Friday, February 27, 2015

go poor crowd - буди сиромашна гомила

go poor crowd

poor poor men
they're so poor can't be
can't be poor and wise
but it's the crowd that makes you

буди сиромашна гомила

сироти сироти људи
толико сироти да нису
не мож' бити сирома и паметан
ал' гомила те чини

Thursday, February 26, 2015

a monkey buddhist yogackara


a monkey buddhist yogackara

there is one in no one
and there isn't no one in one
so what's the to be doin' there?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

god off - одбогуј


god off

red grass and violent shades
got prods for apples
an interview of control
how do you affect god
machine of stupor
even so to defend it seems
the inner strings play
the repeating air keeps
what you fear is pick
for when music explodes
is heresy


црвена трава и дивље сенке
мамузање за јабуке
разговором до контроле
како утицати на бога
машину отупелости
и поред тога изгледа логично
бранити је
унутрашње струне окидају
поновљена мелодија чува
а плашиш се трзалице
јер кад музика груне
ти си јерес

the rotation of planet earth - кружење планете земље


the rotation of planet earth

ghost writer you pitiful
the second race who is creator of
fig of heaven and milk of pussy
fit in Laplace's resonance
hard in demand as head of
the ominous tone of bellowing
sand fear and blaze

кружење планете земље

писац из сенке јадни
друга раса што створи
смоква раја и млеко пичкице
угођен у Лапласову резонанцу
тражен ко Марксова глава
претећи тон магнета што
песак страх и плам

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

charlie brown's hidden brain


charlie brown's hidden brain

projective destiny w/o
psychedelic metal foils
w/in bliss opportunity
carmine licks
down in stone age
the existence of mind in
unity alas in reptilian informatics
which chain/command
invisible thoughts
front of eyes backed with

moritomo and the great pumpkin

moritomo and the great pumpkin

ages ago shanty city leaked milk
soy beans and cappuccino machine
worked high
bartender the active one sweeped cash
murky obese clam eater targeted by
offensive glances
genially moritomo had cabbaged shrimp
the pumpkin meant one thing though
sweet cake churchgoing methyl impregnated
devious in their ditch and lack of
personally how ugly can it be
to pitch such policy
that's where the milk pours in!

here come th' symbiots - симбиоти долазе


here come th' symbiots

th' symbiotic percentage growth
colony varies
the overgrowth spawns
desperadoes organized crime
for they are brutally threatened by
society (autistically immunized)
keep in mind the authorization is
on their side
y' can't trust anyone
not just vaccination

симбиоти долазе

проценат раста колоније симбиота
претерани раст ствара
организоване банде очајника
брутално угрожене од стране
друштва (аутистички имунизованог)
имај на уму да је ауторизација
на њиховој страни
не мо'ш вероват' никем
не само вакцинацији

Monday, February 23, 2015

one day ' prison

one day ' prison

moritomo went to prison karakas
' visit a old friend o' leave
'mong the big fish ' clover coc'ine
'e 'ad ' hammer on him
' security confiscated
for duration ' visit
bad occasionally
faces from ' other side
their conversation was officially recorded
no words were utter'd yet
he was very good ' that
officially ' was a mute mule transporting
but the consciousness of ' clerks
was neat
how did they move it?
fidg'tin' ther' for a nick'l!
the black hole vacuum roomed
he could see ' jungle in their leaf faces
grooming evolutionary tree

don' mention


don' mention

babe ruth mus' not be dis'rbed
during timeout fair in kibuz ohio
where he is resting from world's affair

Sunday, February 22, 2015

the baseball song

the baseball song

babe ruth don't speake truth
you timeout only once
buried in game

Saturday, February 21, 2015

shedding shirt - свлачење свлака


shedding shirt

what's in my boots what's in
my boots
is it rattlesnake
it's rattlesnake

свлачење свлака

шта је у мојим чизмама шта је
у мојим чизмама
је ли звечарка
јесте звечарка

sycophant's song - увлакачева песма


sycophant's song

like to be liked

увлакачева песма

лајкуј да те лајкују

thinkiku - мислику


most people don't think
they're just trying to
react adequately


већина људи не размишља
они само хоће да
реагују одговарајуће