Wednesday, April 27, 2016

there is AI


there is AI

i was looking digitalized brain
who was learning to smile
and that's about all you need
in America

do you wan to pub lish


do you wan to pub lish

do you wan to pub lish pottery
or do you wan to pub lish censor ship
cause on the tarmac of universe
there are tracks machines
and machines who clean the tracks

day has begun


day has begun

hey joe where d' you go
with'a gun in your poach
my gun not mine
my poach is thine

you know when i eat beans


you know when i eat beans

i fart the means

help me recover my train


help me recover my train

and brain
everyone's brain's in train
that's my brain

i can be fart but i don't make it my living

i can be fart but i don't make it my living

i can be hurt but it's not political heist
or is it bankers' fart that bothers me
i'm in my best when i hurt
and lollipops on TV

life is flower life is cat - живот је цвет живот је мачка


life is flower life is cat

life is pedestrian' free market
we have ruled out free reporting
terrorists contained in free rubble
my lobes are disconnected
i am happy because i babble

живот је цвет живот је мачка

живот је од пешака слободни мол
забранили смо слободно извештавање
терористе сабили у слободни крш
моји режњеви су раздвојени
срећан сам што блебећем

Sunday, April 24, 2016

научник од 5 до 9


научник од 5 до 9

ал' иначе верује у

све је то објаснио још
џумба бишма пре две хиљаде
и петсто година
него то не подучавају
у школи
већ кажу
ради се на томе

а ти би да се осећаш идеално

и ја сам за роштиљ

scientist from 9 to 5


scientist from 9 to 5

otherwise he believes in

it has been explained by
jumba bishma two thousand
five hundred years ago
but they don't teach you that
in school
they teach you we're
working on it

then you want to feel ideal

i'm for barbecue

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

bred for sex


bred for sex

is tricia helfer made of tritium
is barak made of mirror rub
is vladimir made of puta
i'm possibly made of butter