Wednesday, October 29, 2014

die by mars


die by mars

send young girls in huds
to colonize mars for robots
the sea of perception with overlaying
the everforming mars
but spaghetti raw
and brain in rare atmosphere
cooking and booking
genetic jihadist

croc ballad


croc ballad

i was digging crocodiles in the valley of nile
for eggs
it was the seventh year of famine
and the pharaoh was reading book of the
dead giggled by tadpoles in his fountain

even before the pyramids
long before domestication of milk
egg-white was the cheese

other landmarks lined the horizon at the time
temples were but pile of rocks
the biggest thing was baobab
and lions were shitting bad when masai

smell caught in the sands of amazonia
rotting wood in madagascar
found a thorn in gorilla's tooth
those were the headlines

but i was childish in smell patterns
armed with catapult precision was my feat
the era of gold preceded birth control
and babies smelled really gad

excess in wheat destroyed boogie gods
ditches ruined nests
pushy bushmen founded katanga

and now where do crocks fit
amazon isn't a river anymore
fins are soup and wings are crisp
cheese is but a smile of me

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

orgons are chameleon


orgons are chameleon

baron wakan tanka
mischievous as he is
skeptical about words
that's what horses graze
he says
i nod we nod
perilous bacteria activate
electric video
and it is rot in juice
the vein of gold
look at the intricacies
the smudge of resolution
and how easily he stirs
stars of dust
we nod i nod
so let me autospect you
clutches me
and i am there
sea of marble

Saturday, October 25, 2014

america escalating


america escalating

i was hanging with some numbers
and the bankers came dangling
calculating my floating point
there was an “O” in their mouths
if you dooooont, they said, if you
the train is coming for you, i mumbled
bankers formed a pyramid of commas
i have a karma-blanket for you
in case you are cold, said i
you oooowe you oooowe
they kept oooowing at me
my spine shivered
i spittled
commas formed from their eyes
you don't understand the drama, bre
i concluded
dying isn't dramatic
you are the number curtains of solar winds
involving physics of bodily warmth
your consciousness is losing count...
from the position of eternity where
there are no feelings
numbers are no-events
i blabbered
we are under control the wind whooshed
their strings
i saw the 2s hooking 3s
and the 4s 8 them

Thursday, October 23, 2014




Ent it ozm to dozm!

sun rises after better than expected sunrise


sun rises after better than expected sunrise
(telles from helles)

i have yet to see an animal bearing cross
men bear all kind of shit but animals
the light giving shit
shine on you crazy diamond*
but, finally, the animal trigonometry
is smelly too
only they don't bear it
they reek of it

*Pink Floyd

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

check up for recognition


check up for recognition

let me check my app to
confirm your identity
hello my good ole friend
long time
no see!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

шкорпионова емпатија


шкорпионова емпатија

шкорпион подучаваше моритома о емпатији
а да ли је ваш хардон колајдер нашао доказ о
честици која додељује интелигенцију
упита наивно моритомо
шкорпион одмахну репом што је значило
али смо близу додаде

scorpion empathy


scorpion empathy

scorpion was lecturing moritomo on empathy
did your hardon collider find proof of
particle dealing intelligence
asked moritomo naively
scorpion whipped his tail left and right meaning
but we are close added he

moritomo in slave debt - моритомо у дужничком ропству

moritomo in slave debt

i met moritomo out there in galactica wides
chased by justice™
chastity bankers
he was reading my book under a fig
you know he said looking over oblique ray-bans
you stole words from my ad-lib
i thought you was dead said i
liberated, nodded he markedly
i sat down quietly chewing carob
what troubles you inquired i carefully
the rise of robots he replied quickly
aiming carefully
you died for them i nailed him
i was imprisoned in life form to perform
i knew his father beat him to his own death
for he was a troubled slave
moritomo was smiling now
i always wanted to say continued he
having read no books and heard no lectures
that life is for cunts
it was my turn to nod...
over the eon
i too have realized the robotic nature of life
as one has to malfunction in order to
cut the crap off
i looked the reflection in sunglasses
caught my sight

моритомо у дужничком ропству

сретох моритома у диљу галактике
прогоњен од правде
честитих банкара
читао је моју књигу под смоквом
знаш рече гледајући поврх закривљених реј-банки
украо си речи из мог ад-либа
мишљах да си мртав рекох
ослобођен, значајно је климнуо
седох тихо грицкајући рогач
шта те мучи упитах опрезно
успон робота брзо одговори
циљајући пажљиво
умро си због њих закуцах га
бејах заробљен у живом облику како бих извршио
знао сам да га је отац тукао до сопствене смрти
јер беше несрећни роб
моритомо се сада смешио
увек сам желео да кажем настави он
иако нисам читао књиге нити слушао предавања
да је живот за пичке
беше мој ред да заклимам...
током еона
и сâм сам схватио роботску природу живота
јер човек мора да се поквари како би
прекинуо то срање
погледах одраз у наочарима за сунце
ухватих себе

Monday, October 20, 2014

моја нова перспектива далека светлост


моја нова перспектива далека светлост
(будуће теме)

посетио сам фабрику ножева
у рашомонту нова ојропа
реке ножева теку из ње
као ориноко у митојропско
куд одлазе ти ножеви
у срца
полицајац ми махну
чек док се нове мапе нацртају
нећемо се зајебавати с

my knew perspective distant light


my knew perspective distant light
(themes for the future)

i was visiting knife factory in
rushomont neuojropa
rivers of knives flew from it
like orinoco into mitojropan
where have all the knives gone ―
stuck in hearts
every blade
and i saw it was good
i filled my pockets
for free
and the policeman waved to me
wait till new maps are drawn
you'll see
we won't be screwing with

Saturday, October 18, 2014

rubble bubble medicine


rubble bubble medicine

in distant future we'll all be
one mouthnipple
one pipple
one kibble