Wednesday, September 24, 2014

man is apple to man


man is apple to man

man iis apple to man to feel good
man is apple to mapplen to feel good
man is gapple to moan to fdeel good
dman is apple tappleo man to feel gogood
man is applie to man to fappleeel good
man is apappleple to man to feel good
maapplen is apple to man to feel good
main is applappe to man to feelle good
mani is apple to maplen to feel goappleod
man iaps apple to man to feel good
iman is apple to mpodan to feel good
man is apgodple to appleman to feel good
appleman is gapple tog man tod feepodl good
man is apple to man to feel gopod
mapodn is apple toi man to feel gpood
magoon dis apple to man to feel pgoodapp
leman is apple to man to ifeel gppd

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

stumble pop pope


stumble pop pope

prick dick bumble
thumb dumb crumble
duck buck carpuke
dung truck frack
cop cup gamble
ticket picket
chirp peep dip
kip strip

i want to be bob dylan


i want to be bob dylan
(themes for the future)

future is collage
iron with more substance
cement plugs and concrete jute
syncretic pass to gardening
rust on eyelids
and shouts human
bent knuckles

when you have all the money in the world it's worthless


when you have all the money in the world it's worthless
(themes for the future)

i was digging an area known as
kibbutz apple botafogo and found bottle caps in graves
where each bottom up was saved
and in some places turntables overturned with dulled
piled as tombstones among crackled records
rubber bands dustified
speakers covered in cannabis mettle
i began to suspect sepsis
all those phonic records were active
evolving chips sarcophagi
each grave was digitally unspeakable
organic tissue abstained
i found connections from earpieces to
omphalic phase
the judgment day was my day
and voice was in the switch

Friday, September 19, 2014

all states are creations mad scientists


all states are creations mad scientists
(themes for the future)

brain is dangerous insurgery
stimulated against you
lilly reich and rutherford
mushroom experts
met sphinx
she talked primitive
and screwed them
show goes on
your brain foules you
the caveman splashed on the wall
screwed aurochs
imhotep was murdered
neanderthal tribes
cleared corruption
and got extinct

a mercenary nation whistling


a mercenary nation whistling
(themes for the future)

all natives under threat
the flood had evaporated
it didn't work
it was portobello
assuming that symbols speak
for the ghost master nation
glittering phrases
god failed
and there lies the course of destruction
phantasmal tracks & trade
bills gold around
let me heal your philosophy
and pronounce you dead
let me heal you
let me highway your million wishes
to one single port of call

a tea spoon genius


a tea spoon genius
(themes for the future)

the quiet wings of shenandoa lift off
and plumule light their engines
there goes america into the future's night
shriek beak leak
to mars to taurus
to race the un-cosmos
cloaked in tornado
smoked in cordilleras
moth's stars for flag
to spread love supersonic
tail pulls cities up

Thursday, September 18, 2014




too many eyes for one sight
too many stars for one night
gotcha there you sentimental hag!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014




i way on a dream
where babies cocoon
crane with sword bursts
from litter unborn
the noise of reality awakens
and i see angry angels
roam roam tide of behemoth
night mare in gush
bushmen will chopper you
ash of savanna
clay for you

in tart ruins of global sprawl


in tart ruins of global sprawl
(themes for the future)

chiba city invades bay
citadel smolders bitter soldiers
no play is played by vicious alien
and poets grok capitalist lore
in my dream i see liver
dream fashions more galore
breeds and simmer seeds
blood drowns chalice
as catalyst i use hokusai
strip chiba of its allure
garrote chops fuji's chopstick
in shop i shop tanizaki key
down here in charred tea pot
eels and weed carbuncle
shall i sip or sleep
shall i be free




as day understands night
so much for tao
autumn rain

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

new geography and politics and language


new geography and politics and language
(themes for the future)

i was sightseeing michigan lake hole
from white garlic mound
where icicle forest grows
from permafrost northwards
and i said to myself
forget about aristoteles
there's so much he missed
river don split into factions
black to west green to east
salt for south
and new cotton road toyota caravan
caprice cockatrice desert mouse
soda stand and warlords machine
and i said to myself
the enormous energy source
zero point sound
deep intrusion solar speed
fractal bound
soul is intelligence
and you don't have it ari

read it watch it delete it and it's done


read it watch it delete it and it's done
(themes for the future)

i was visiting a drilling school in kibbutz darling
okapi sanctuary
where moritomo was lecturing volunteers
honey slap honey kick honey bash
and was decorated a popsickle chocolate
on a window-frame table catering yellow vine
ex wifes giggling honey money bonny bone
drumming glass vitrage beaming luster
inside hollow oak log bog cog
clutter flutter butter grog
all best even worst
in one face facing west
jap communism drill
for volunteer

Friday, September 5, 2014

бити маркетинг


бити маркетинг

две рекламе образлажу
рекламократију комерцијалног доба
смену минута секунди
врховни разлог образлаже
недостатак главног времена
образлаже у корист
главних комерцијалних разлога
врховно главно образложење
да буде разлог
расправљају продајући образложење
преобликовано образложење замењује
да образложи маркетинг
да буде врховни главног

to be marketing


to be marketing

two commercials argue
they argue
commercial era reclamocracy
replacement minutes seconds
top commercial argues
prime time deficiency
argues in favor of
top commercial argue
top prime argument
to be argument
they argue selling argument
transmutation argument replaces
to argue marketing
to be top prime