Thursday, May 28, 2015

chicken zombie soup apocalypse - пилећа зомби супа апокалипса


chicken zombie soup apocalypse

and the day had come
when all dead chicken raised
from the dead
to be slaughtered again
the chicken with the longest beak
lead them
this is all because of the recession
he said
depression corrected him the wolf
in sheep
i am your shepherd he said
for chicken are like sheep
the reason for recession
said the longest beak
is low wages
wolf pulled out his teeth
we are all going to die
trembled zombies in fear
and were then pulverized
into cream

пилећа зомби супа апокалипса

и дође дан
кад сви мртви пилићи устадоше
из мртвих
да поново буду поклани
пиле с најдужим кљуном
предводило их
све је ово због рецесије
депресије исправи га вук
у овци
ја сам ваш пастир рече он
јер пилићи су као овце
разлог рецесије
рече најдужи кљун
су мале плате
вук исуче своје зубе
сви ћемо умрети
задрхташе зомбији од страха
и беху одмах смлављени
у крем

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

king rat


king rat

rat was advertising ratsizm
to human
who bought it

Saturday, May 23, 2015

camerica wait for me


camerica wait for me

camerica was shallow sea
with pterodonts and staphylocrocks
i'll wait for them to disappear

wot is god Thoth


wot is god Thoth

he was monitoring stars
invented monitoring glass
engineered morning-bar
baked enzymes
let people drunk
cut open bellies
justifying blood
he was god Thoth
inventor of brass
made roads for goats
fathered astronomy
anatomized gastronomy
god totem of celluloid
god pot

'r a bubble in rubble


'r a bubble in rubble

les conqer jungle les conqer conga
les conqer jus in glass
les majker bamboo rula
in chamber mass

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

coal must blow


coal must blow

i was visiting T-factory saray industry
where Al Kebab left leg with elder
Guru right ball compromise
wall defense from communism
desert truck's conductor gauge
pumping shock-dose plates
to ominous calligraphy rage
put together by engineering papses
drunk witches mirrored in triangles
develop world compressors
and newsroom verminal prose
suck it pundit mug it
as busy Vatican wireless guns
prophecy gentle practice
oh, and don't forget
with its dead surface colony
to obliterate Europe and Asian minor
where silk grow and lemon yellow
for the benefit of all
great fangs built-in horror
the book of followers Moses
slap-mouth bickering goat
and bloody Musa of oak forest
the charnel stomach toothpick bog
buried scoundrel
yeah they speak the tongue of bosun
who will later teach defectology
and receive terminal pay
don't slay me master i'll be good!
but you see, there's need for soap
for the coal must flow

Sunday, May 10, 2015

all slaves want is justice - све што робови желе је правда


all slaves want is justice

and they get it

све што робови желе је правда

и добију је

Saturday, May 9, 2015

it has turned into you - прометнуло се у тебе


it has turned into you

millions are worried about change
people change but climate
it is horrible threatening change
why is change happening
got to be do something

прометнуло се у тебе

милиони се брину због промене
људи се мењају ал' клима
не би требало
то је ужасна претећа промена
због чега се мењање дешава
мора треба'с нешто учини

Friday, May 8, 2015

haiku - хаику


words are my genes
the war of origins
bottled milk


речи су моји гени
рат порекла
флаширано млеко

Thursday, May 7, 2015

you are all awarded - сви сте награђени


you are all awarded

if not richly at least justly

сви сте награђени

ако не богато а оно праведно

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

i don't know where to start - не знам где да почнем


i don't know where to start

i have no problem with the goal
my mouth is open

не знам где да почнем

немам проблема с циљем
уста су ми отворена

корпус левијатан

корпус левијатан

прогутах рибу ал' беше мрачно
дријада виси с дрвета
мислио сам да корпорација има ум
ал' исецкала истину

the leviathan corps


the leviathan corps

i swallowed a fish but it was dark
the dryad hung from a tree
i thought corporation had a mind
but it hacked layers of truth

Sunday, May 3, 2015

i want to know and i want to know now


i want to know and i want to know now

well i was watching pelicans
at shanty town plaza oahu
where horseshoe crabs freedom
fighters flagellate spaghetti
when i noticed captain's ray-bans
grilled in veggy grin
what's up moritomo asked i
drinking nut juice
you see, i was visiting maui
struggling enemies in cozy
so religion was not the issue
dead everywhere
catamarans in and out
rescuing organs in plight
explained he laconically
so, there was shrapnel after all
brooded i
refugees hiding in crater
hoping for best
continued he
flagship puerto rico
cannonizing edifice of advanced
you cannot imagine the maul
V” shaped screams
observers censoring f*cks
because the UN has rules
and sarabande dancing electrical




when in the old days
tarzan walked the earth
and indiana jones freaked
nazis had their secret plants
like in modern era
drones and fascists
occupy bails
and gear pickups
for even later than that
when diamonds crash
in an abnormal cauldron
and the oil off painting
flames will be the new wall
queen will phase in
melon melon divine me presence
why is berlin burning
why is london boiled
in america the land of soma
jet lanes smellish
and mammoths in india
spray wimps