Friday, November 28, 2014

you and everybody else


you and everybody else

there is cat-grease in your brain
a special making from a burglar martyr
with inscription of hallelujah
put butter on atonic tongue
screech sand in teeth
your girls are scent in morning night
pale hips of tangerine

crimson palace protest


crimson palace protest

and thus you go down
isn't that a relief
the reality of life
beats your nutters to chocolate
now now you peacefully go
accept the gentle hand feeding you
utilization like dog's fur
pissed by grand jury
mock standard grateful banner
you walk down the avenue
where lights glorify universe
the echoes a surprise
pebbles in guts
linked to your neural gun
that flashes benefits
in heaven

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

let me bee goo


let me bee goo

lets solve this peacefully
bee goo an let me bee pee
your momma your poppa yor goo
and awarded yo bee
punished for free
and awarded for bee pee
and a nonviolent pee goo
and allow me bee goo
for fee

Monday, November 24, 2014

тужно смућкане звезде


тужно смућкане звезде

једном сретох туђина с меканом брадом од
феферона недалеко од земље
те упитах радознали поглед о
беше удобно засео и несвесно
ригнуо протуберанцу
каза да треба сам да тражим
одговор и видех како безначајни људи
беху, па
нема додира с нама сами треба то да урадимо
и тужно сагледавши истину умочих
фефероне у пасуљ

sadly concocted stars


sadly concocted stars

i once met a alien with soft beard like
pepperoni not far from earth
and asked him a curious glimpse for
he would sit comfortably and burst
protuberance unconsciously
his answer was i had to look for answer
myself and i saw how negligible humans
are, so
no contact for us we are to make it work
and sadly i saw the truth and dipped his
pepperoni into beans

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

we know who shot the plane but it is politically incorrect to say


we know who shot the plane
but it is politically incorrect to say

Monday, November 3, 2014

where blackberries grow big as melons


where blackberries grow big as melons

in fish heaven carp lays sardines
he only suicides herring
and martyrs used to glory
through sandwich saccharides
the print press embalming putter
and shipping tour pickups tulip
corn-bullets pop triage
on face-powdered heritage

Saturday, November 1, 2014

words birds the truth must be nearby


words birds the truth must be nearby

i wonder who invented poetry
he will pay for his crime
dollar a dime




nickel axis lever cylinder
pronged streams feel
facing axions

lock lens


lock lens

stars in hell
sprinkle marrow

sonic rotunds
behind sun's halo



rolled steel
marks shift
in rubber




crowded cradles
insufficient abide
virulent mind

stay put, don't waste
voices chimes
mind suck

your teeth
metallic trimmers
slick tongue

dead mortus dead

dead mortus dead

few are models of
few are hands to

what has turned
into heat
metal and coil
farm boys and mothers

our walls
fair sight and glee
tropes in smoke