Saturday, May 31, 2014

look from my eyes


look from my eyes

you don't need eyes
i have eyes
for you don't need eyes
i have you in eyes you
don't need eyes you
need eyed you need
my eyes you don't need
eyes i have eyes on

i told you you told me


i told you you told me

i told you sad you told me sad
you said you sad you told me
sad told me you said you sad told
you said you tell me sad you said
i said you sad said you told
i said i told you sad said you told
you said me you said
you sad me
you said
told me

marxist revolutionary brainz


marxist revolutionary brainz

i worker i worker want i worker
wont i worker want worker wont
i worker want contract i wont worker
contract want contract worker want
i wont worker want contract i want
contract i worker wont worker want
contract i want contract i want contract
some want contract some want contract
some worker want contract wont some
worker want wont want wont want
contract some worker some contract
contract worker want contract i worker
wont contract worker want worker wont
contract want worker wont worker wont
contract some contract want worker contract
want contract some worker want brainz
want contract i wont worker brainz
want worker want contract brainz
want worker want contract wont worker

surprise what she needs


surprise what she needs

papa dada papa dada
papa dada papa dada
papa does dada papa does
dada papa dada papa dada
does dada does dada
does dada does dada
does does does does
does does

amazing that is


amazing that is

this guy does is amazing is
this guy what he amazing when
it amazing when this
amazing is what this
look what amazing is this
what guy happens
is amazing look what this
amazing thing
happens look
this guy is

let me zebra in leopard


let me zebra in leopard

hysteric melon in eye of zebra
and gepard shy of cantaloupe
broken hands of sakkara
while trope dial to antarctica

dawn stripes dusk clouds


dawn stripes dusk clouds

crows fly in about
ancient canopies
to handshake color

heavy rays samsara


heavy rays samsara

night lift habeas corps
roll on your fresh leaf satana
smack in your comick face
when i come to indiana
it will explode
for my laden core

Friday, May 30, 2014

robot kitchen


robot kitchen

robot chicken to smelt
chop vents to stiffen smear
add kerosene to lemon snuff
stretch striae to span tan
and cook till corroded

environmental metal


environmental metal

i am in blues for clues
i am put on to metal
arm and elbow and lap
i am environmental
for rubber to buff
elbow of metal
for clutch
to clutch
incubatory rubber
for mental elbowing environmental
to clutch incubatory letal
for arm and elbow and lap

bollocks of Morlocks


bollocks of Morlocks

there are Morlocks who have
bollocks who Morlocks have
bollocks of Morlocks
who there are Eloi who have Morlocks
with bollocks who Morlocks have
bollocks of Morlocks
for Eloi to bollock the

guarantee you ice


guarantee you ice

I ice guarantee you
ice in size in small
big small big small big
big small and big

don't sit on face


don't sit on face

decree on face
to sit decree
on face to
decree face on decree to
decree decree to
face decree on decree on face on to
sit on decree to sit on




some of time time feeling some
time some of time some
time feeling some time
feeling some some feeling time some
time some
time feeling time

Thursday, May 29, 2014

people have democratic right to be intelligent


people have democratic right to be intelligent

turn on the candle
kindle the candle
nature the technology
technology the nature
stupid the wise
wise the moon
ransack the suckle
starburn the horizon

Sunday, May 25, 2014

afghanization Africa project Power


afghanization Africa project Power

Crystal Palace Detroit Dallas
Albuquerque Lome Togo Dahomey
Cattle Battle Rattle Seattle
Missouri Missoula Django Lumumba
Gbagbo Musa Ostriches Muscles
Prairie Tarmac Dolmen Salaam
Antennae Kraftwerk Telenor Tarkus
Burkina Malawi Succubus Toynbee
Mud Brad Cholera Ebola
Haile Braille Crotone Sahara
Sakhalin Gnu Cerberus Llama
London New York Lagos Luanda
Saiga Taiga Dumbo Katanga
Goofy Duffy Caiman Caravan
Campari Tampa Cotton Mutton
Comanche Bushmen Aborigine Boer
Mustafa Baklava Boza Punch
Solomon Jefferson Kennedy Benetton
Cuba Banana Mango Giraffe
Salem Aleppo Harappa Waco
Tangerine Allah Camp Espresso
Sarin Soman Barbecue Koan
Mu Chow Moog Cacao

Saturday, May 24, 2014

i like my food wild


i like my food wild

cricket bush thorn
rip mash pörkölt
dark Foucault red
drab perspex cotyledon
booze cyanic mousse
copper nut
split oven temperate malt
tempest fit freeze rigid

dear you i am off

dear you i am off

dire you dire you
deer you deer you
after, dare you dare you
I'm dear you I'm
dare you dear me
dear you dare you
you dare me you dear
me you dare me onoff

it's the rhythm that rocks


it's the rhythm that rocks

this rocks you
metaphorically it is rocking
even allegorically

creating imaginary history


creating imaginary history

a place to be in history
to return to
to kick start off
to drop by
to exclude
to create ex
to express of
to range
to paste in on off

they cannot go what cannot imagine


they cannot go what cannot imagine

is numbers
is relations
is mirroring
is baffled is
and then is blank

simple as bud
receiving bullet
in stead of bud

my frappé

like fish on a hook


like fish on a hook

I have to say this
must be noisy
else noisy blasted
who is like fish on a hook?