Sunday, June 15, 2014

culture has nothing to do with art


culture has nothing to do with art

while petty people produce society and
art art is never produced by petty people and
society since art has nothing to do with
society and society does not outsource art
petty people petty people
working class does not outsource art and
art has nothing to do with working class
society since working class society is society
of working class and work produces products
not art products art
culture has nothing to do with art since culture
is outsourcing society not art which is not
outsourcing culture since working class petty
people don't outsource art only products of
culture products
petty people hate art since art is not petty
products and society outsources petty
products in a culture of petty outsourcing
of outsourcing products
art is not belong to rich petty people either
outsourcing rich petty culture outsourcing
working class which products petty society
culture outsourcing products of petty rich
petty rich outsourcing people
outsourcing people class either
art is not petty rich outsourcing product
since petty rich culture petty poor society
working class product culture rich petty
working people culture outsourcing
working class
working rich culture class products
working class authority outsourcing
working rich poor petty culture product
society which product happy people culture
outsourcing petty poor rich product
society petty product rich society
poor rich culture products
not art happy people
either art not happy people outsourcing
poor rich authority society culture
rich products of either
petty poor art
or either society art culture outsourcing
petty rich authority product working
class not art
since art isn't product authority rich class
petty rich culture working authority
products not art products
authority authority petty society
petty rich petty poor petty